Whispers From the Grave
In 2010, the Greene County Heritage Trust initiated a program called “Whispers From the Grave.” The program was designed to be an educational, community-service experience for raising awareness about Old Harmony Cemetery, the oldest cemetery in town. The event would also be a fund-raising project for the Heritage Trust to fund cemetery restoration and preservation. The Whispers from the Grave events were scheduled for two Saturday nights, with each ticket costing $10. Ticket-holders would visit various graves that held particular historical interest. At each of those graves, the Whisperer (a knowledgeable Heritage Trust volunteer speaking in the role of the person buried at that spot), would tell that individual’s story in a brief, interesting — and educational — way. The Old Harmony Whispers from the Grave event was held for three years.
After the three years of Whispers from the Grave events at Old Harmony, the Heritage Trust members decided to expand the program to include other historic local cemeteries. These Whispers events were held only one time each, using the same methodology applied at Old Harmony. The events benefited the cemeteries where the Whispers took place since participation was entirely on a donation basis, with the proceeds going to that cemetery for maintenance, etc.
A total of 9 Whispers events have been held as of early 2021.

Shown above, in appropriate period dress, are the members of the volunteer cast for one of the "Whispers From the Grave" events at Old Harmony Cemetery.