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Nominate a Property


Greene County enjoys a rich heritage of historic buildings and places. The Greene County Heritage Trust maintains a register of places and buildings that contribute to the historic, architectural, or cultural character of our community.

The Greene County Register of Historic Places is maintained for educational purposes and to preserve information and memories related to the community’s historic buildings and locations. Criteria for nominations include:


  • Buildings must still be standing in the original location
  • Buildings must be older than 75 years
  • Buildings may be privately or publicly owned
  • Buildings, locations, or landscape features should represent cultural, historic, or architectural significance


Any building, location, or landscape feature that meets the above qualifications may be nominated for inclusion in the Register.

Every year the Greene County Heritage Trust seeks nominations to the Register of Historic Places that fit within the annual theme. The theme for 2025 is Education. In the early 20th century, there were nearly 100 schools within the county’s borders.

Please help the Heritage Trust document old school buildings through Greene County. Nominated
buildings will be photographed, documented, and the information preserved in the Greene County Heritage Trust’s Register of Historic Places. 

To nominate a property, please fill out the form below: